• 10:14 Okay, what are the most important things for me to do today before my sister, bro-in-law & nephew come over for the weekend? #
  • 10:49 I think it’s time for breakfast, but I’m waiting for an offensive porn video to download so I can be outraged first. #
  • 11:44 Going to get some luna bars for bfast, cash a couple of checks, and pay the balance at dentist’s. Sigh. #
  • 13:09 Seaweed rice cakes and bone health emergen-c for breakfast = good, but not warm enough. Need hot tea. #
  • 13:29 Tidying up the guest room (which is also our costume/prop/exploded suitcases storage room) b4 sister, bro-in-law & nephew get here. #
  • 14:23 Trying to put together boob-focused promos is actually hard for me; we take WAY more pics of my legs and butt than my boobs. #
  • 15:21 Spent awhile in our billing admin making sure thank you emails to members say the right things & um, raising prices for certain doorways. #
  • 15:46 Delia’s going to have such a huge load to shoot by the time I ovulate. FYI: Lundberg koku seaweed organic rice cakes = YUMMY! #
  • 17:46 Family missed ferry they were aiming for by 10 cars; we’re going to eat a little without them, now (and a little WITH when they arrive). #
  • 19:52 Family here! Some cams might go down to protect my nephew (and us) from federal persecution. #
  • 20:23 I have issues; just got really annoyed with my sister upon hearing her dumb-ass plan to go to Vegas in June for coworker’s bachelorette p. #
  • 20:24 And in that other tweet? Yes, I meant persecution, but prosecution too. People think you can’t have a porn site w/o losing your mind. #
  • 22:10 Giving my sister some alone time with guitar hero. #
  • 00:03 Took all of those links to my argumentative porn pricing pages I was so proud of off my join page. Tons of hits today but very few sales. #
  • 00:04 Not really sleepy yet, but tomorrow is show day AND we have company so I need to rest and reserve energy. And think positively. #
  • 01:01 Just had long venting/brainstorming session with sister about our mom’s annoying behaviors. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter