• 15:47 Just got home. Very sleepy. Checking mail, both paper & digital. #
  • 15:49 Jesus fucking Christ. I am sick to death of people who sign up to promote our sites & don’t bother to read their email for promo password. #
  • 16:19 Wow. I’m really glad we had a night off because I’m clearly really stressed out. Not home 30 minutes & already feel anxious & overwhelmed. #
  • 16:59 My apologies, I just realized my bad mood is probably just a symptom of PMS. TWEET for PMS! #
  • 17:54 I know what will make me feel better: tea, dark choc peanut-butter cups, hot water bottle, bed, twin peaks on tv & watching dusk. #
  • 22:23 Nice. Am. Idol ploy to force us to watch live or go 2 website strikes again cutting off final minutes on DVR. Black girl better have made it #
  • 23:46 Working on a blog entry I will probably never post. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter