- 09:45 Trying to decide if my desire to email Susannah Breslin in a semi-huff is just PMS or for "real". Shouldn’t have read Reverse CG 1st thing. #
- 12:01 What do you know? I ate breakfast, started another Japanese mystery, and went back to sleep for awhile. It’s noon, now, and I’m ON! #
- 12:11 Scribbling down notes on an idea. Do you know how tall my piles of "idea" notes are? It’s . . . I don’t know what it is. Sort of sad. #
- 13:59 Enough note-scribbling for now. Going to have some lunch (or at least stand in kitchen wishing I didn’t have to cook something myself). #
- 14:15 It’s February, still winter, yet it’s a sunny doors & windows open day here in Western Washington. Fresh fucking air = awesome. #
- 14:23 Going to wait until Delia comes home to eat lunch; maybe we can have a picnic outside or just eat on the deck. #
- 15:02 Upper left eyelid and lower right lid twitching/spazzing out. It’s fun to watch in the mirror, and kind of tickles. #
- 16:14 Mmmmm . . . ate sushi on our deck in the sunshine. Seventh Heaven! #
- 16:43 Setting up to do a little vlogging about Reverse Cowgirl’s pet "project", working girls & their stories, & her responses to criticism of it. #
- 01:33 I need to go to sleep now; will finish uploading videos of me ranting about the reverse cowgirl thing tomorrow. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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