• 09:29 Heavy flow at night = uncomfortable/restless sleep. Time for breakfast! Because it’s awesome to say "heavy flow" and "bfast" in same tweet. #
  • 10:25 I think my recently acquired fear of flying is justified: tinyurl.com/flyingsucks #
  • 10:44 Heads up, camshow fans: we aren’t doing shows today because we’re going to a wedding. And I’m on the hot, wet, sticky, red rag. #
  • 10:45 Not that I haven’t done shows on the rag before, but last time I did they suspended me so from now on? EVERYONE suffers! No I won’t hide it! #
  • 12:04 My red leather gloves & endocrine system: tinyurl.com/6qdy88 #
  • 12:14 Sigh. Technical prob/error on my tgp when I try to create thumbnails. No time to fuck with/fix/find out problem. Tired & crampy. #
  • 14:57 We’re running late. Wedding present still not wrapped. I *hate* wrapping presents/am really bad at it. #
  • 15:00 OMG, connection is SO FUCKING SLOW it’s causing me pain to get driving directions. #
  • 15:05 God almighty, you need a fucking PACK mule to bring everything requested & required to these damned events. Dessert! Presents! Tampons! #
  • 15:10 Fancy new camera that weights ten billion pounds! Pills for my pounding headache and cramping uterus! A pharmacy! Dessert Bar! #
  • 15:11 But I guess that it’s not much of a celebration if you don’t contribute any pain or packing or effort or thought into the process. #
  • 19:49 Home again! Too chilly for the after-wedding outdoor festivities, plus with my period & social ineptitude I felt like leaving. #
  • 20:19 Delia’s going to the store & I’m going to use masturbation to take the edge off some tension built up by someone’s deep voice @ wedding #
  • 20:37 My nipples got so hard on that 2nd orgasm. Sorry voyeurs, had to keep the lights out. But you might have heard me buzzing & gasping. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter