- 08:49 Today is going to be awesome! By dinnertime I’ll no longer have this hideous blonde hair. Or should I get brunette more gradually this time? #
- 08:55 Going to have my decaf English Breakfast & luna bar in bed with my laptop, read a few blogs & maybe work on what I began writing last night. #
- 10:19 I love being so ready to take a dump that I sit down & the poop practically falls out of my butt with only the tiniest of effort. Nice! #
- 11:32 Anyone have opinions on/experiences + or – on hard drive docks (stick bare internal HD into usb or firewire dock, cartridge style)? #
- 11:46 This is what I’m talking about: tinyurl.com/54rplc – looks perfect for those of us who need to make backups for safe deposit boxes. #
- 12:27 Voyeurs: if you are watching me pacing, it’s because I’m excitedly, maniacally scheming porn stuff in my head. #
- 14:09 Figuring out how many members we would need to make resuming shooting for TrixiesHouseboy.com viable. Assessing all our sites in process. #
- 15:17 Just plucked two beautiful silvery-white hairs out of my head. Wonder when/if I’ll go all the way grey . . . an exciting prospect! #
- 18:08 Survived the salon; I so do not fit into that environment. Worth it to become brunette again, though. Durkkkkkkkkk Hurrrrrrrrrrrr!!! #
- 20:25 We just had some hot sex and huggling. #
- 21:39 Putting the finishing touches on a new gallery for members & uploading; might not be able to stay awake to finish it/wait for upload. #
- 22:37 I’ve had some weird emotional highs and lows today. Down UP! doooooooownUP!!!!! dooooowwwwwwwwwwn 🙁 Hormones? Tumour? Character flaw? #
- 22:50 I need to turn the audio off on our bedroom cam for a little while or the rest of tonight . . . just not feeling like sharing my sounds. #
- 22:51 Oops. Just discovered ballroom cam w/sound has been off all day. That means people missed hearing our fucking. Grumble, grumble. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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