• 00:37:00: Tomorrow: not going to do any computer work upon waking EXCEPT to check the cams. And maybe tweet. No email checking/sinking into chair!
  • 12:37:15: About to take a bath. Sounds boring, eh? But I’m excited about it! Also, it’s another crazily sunny day.
  • 15:23:57: Just got back from a looooooooong and incredibly beautiful walk. Going to have a sandwich in bed now. Sweetly sweaty.
  • 16:56:52: A nap after a fat lunch after deep breaths of fresh air and physical exertion = PERFECT. And now? Continuing something like a day off!
  • 22:15:05: http://twitpic.com/kcamz – We ate huckleberries on our walk today.
  • 22:41:23: Really surprised that my search for “squirrel nutkin is gay” yielded no results. I thought there’d be documentation to verify my hunch.
  • 22:51:00: I wish I’d have taken a picture of the full moon rising HUGE & fat over the water & mountains at the pizza place we ate at tonight.
  • 22:52:17: OMFG – RT @ramblingwebgirl: RT @huffingtonpost Man Arrested For Tweeting Police Actions To Protesters http://bit.ly/4cpRFf
  • 22:54:29: So sickening; what disgusts me is if his tweeting was the sole basis to execute a search warrant on his home. If so, that is fucking gross.

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