- 13:19:36: Brrrr . . . it’s really getting cold now.
- 14:47:02: Lit some candles to warm up WebWhoreHQ and diving into a snack of grape juice and . . . lox.
- 15:35:06: Entering data on the Wanker No. 1 spreadsheet after playing novelty dice-rolling game.
- 15:46:02: Edit — make that DIE-rolling game.
- 15:54:01: How to get yourself blocked by webwhores on twitter: see @calvin4t’s tweets & mimic without paying for woman’s time.
- 15:57:55: I am speaking specifically about people who try to engage me in hot chat on twitter (or group shows) under the guise of “submission”.
- 17:55:28: Mmmm . . . french toast fried in bacon grease and drug through berry jam (WITH seeds — I hate that seedless crap) = naughty good yum.
- 18:08:06: Working on filling in a few of the gaps & fixing some things on http://TastyTrixie.com.
- 20:58:04: Got my free foot pics page posted (finally!) with special join options for foot fans who want MORE: http://tastytrixie.com/my-free-pics/feet
- 22:08:15: Finished the Hosiery/Legwear page of free pics on my site: http://bit.ly/3XZPyZ I am *SO SLOW*.
- 22:38:09: For all asking: RT @UndressJess I made a chipin: http://ping.fm/6JXcl I don’t expect a ton of $ but anything can help would rule.
- 23:14:45: Soup fixes everything. EVERYTHING. While you’re eating soup everything is just going to be fine. If it’s hot & salty, that is.
- 23:55:49: I really want to shoot outside tomorrow but it might be too cold out there for me to get my sexy on.
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