• 00:18:06: Just off phone with my sister. Talked about being in vs. not being in the “gifted” program at our elem. school (she was, I wasn’t) as kids.
  • 00:51:50: @rollertrain She’s the only 1of 3 in her original class who is not a multi-millionaire. That’s not an answer to your Q, just interesting.
  • 12:03:10: RT @swopusa: “Sex Working and the Bible” – Avaren Ipsen. All proceeds go to Sex Workers Outreach Project!!: http://bit.ly/6Qyuhh
  • 12:03:30: RT @swopusa: Rave reviews about our member’s book from a bible conference: Sex Working and the Bible http://bit.ly/5Ht8Bt.
  • 17:39:26: Submitted some promos today and now need to 1) exercise, 2) shave, and 3) shoot. And go grocery shopping.
  • 17:41:33: Sweet JESUS, but inertia is a powerful foe!
  • 18:37:06: Totally procrastinating on shaving. Maybe that means that I shouldn’t. Maybe my heart’s not really in it? But I do tire of the distraction.
  • 18:45:00: http://sexypeek.com/2WL – This is the muff I’m about to remove. Seems wrong to get rid of abundance on Thanksgiving eve.
  • 23:37:29: Not allowing us to download the pics we shot recently otherwise we’ll work on them tomorrow and tomorrow is a day OFF! Camera set aside.

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