• 00:09:52: Talking to my wanker on his Christmas Day. He wants to talk about platonic solids! Euclid and such! I’m “listening”.
  • 00:46:50: “The errors are not in the art, but in the artificers.” – Isaac Newton
  • 01:50:45: Perfect midnight snack on Christmas eve: apples, walnuts & raisins.
  • 03:08:20: You’d think the kitchen is a place you can omit constant heat in winter, but freezing cold dishes kind of ruin food & drink best served hot.
  • 03:09:04: Yes, I *am* making a bowl of naughty noodles at 2 am. So bad for me but it’s CHRISTMAS! So I’ll poison myself with carbs & dairy!
  • 12:37:54: Merry Christmas!
  • 13:12:40: Reading @DeliaTS Christmas Morning blog entry (partly or largely about being trans & in recovery this year): http://deliats.com/blog/?p=314
  • 14:05:46: LOLing at this: RT @heathercorinna: @tastytrixie You don’t like monkeys? That’s it: we can’t be friends anymore!
  • 17:00:14: 7 Christmases with @DeliaTS and Santa on a motorcycle: http://www.tastytrixie.com/food/christmas-divinity-pics/
  • 20:29:22: Just got home from seeing Sherlock Holmes. Lots of gloves and moments that looked like the covers of good books.
  • 20:30:57: @Mia Oh, you! Someday I want to give you big real life hugs. In the meantime, Merry {{{Christmas hugs}}} from afar. Mwah!

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