- 13:35 Did a little yoga, an arms & abs bellydance workout & more stretching. Still feel like I need more exercise to make up for none yesterday. #
- 14:55 LOL @ericofthedead – yes! Thanks for saying it! We are planning upcoming shoots today, actually so we’ll schedule some together time on vid. #
- 15:09 It’s possible we might "do it" in a few. I kind of just want to lie there, though, and TAKE IT. Internal massage, you know? #
- 15:36 It’s okay, @pg240 – we postponed fucking for sometime later; we have to do some shoot planning, shopping lists, etc. first. #
- 22:21 Instead of fucking, we’re paying bill s and doing the dishes. Sometimes there is just too much mundane fucking bullshit to get it up. #
- 22:27 Actually, we’re done with those tasks now and it’s not too late for me, anyway, to have my pole folder filled. #
- 22:30 Going to bring in the magic wand for a vibrator assist. I like the dual stimulation, & as I mentioned before, I just want to lay there. #
- 23:11 Usually our dog ignores us when we fuck, but this time she came right over to the bed and stared right into our eyes. It was creepy. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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