• 12:47:31: This particular asshole? She needs to read some self-help books to stabilize & action-plan before making the mother’s day call.
  • 13:39:08: I would pretty much kill for some xanax or ativan or valium or all three right now.
  • 14:35:27: Self-massage is a very good thing if you can’t afford a pro to do it for you. Because there is no such thing as a “free” massage.
  • 16:49:26: RIGHT when I get on a roll working on stuff I want to do, I am forced/thrust into technical problem-solver crap-work zone.
  • 16:50:17: And my mom calls back right in the midst of it!!! <insert hysterical nervous breakdown laughter here>
  • 16:57:38: By the way, Gosford Park is one of the saddest movies to watch on Mother’s Day. Along with The Hours. Love them both!
  • 18:16:25: Consolation mother’s day hugs to all women out there who actually WANT to have kids, but can’t for whatever reason(s).
  • 19:30:57: Picking out stuff to shoot in while we’re away. We’re not packing the lights so don’t want to “waste” good outfits on unreliable light.
  • 21:28:14: Very fortunate that I can have everything I want right now: to get in bed with @DeliaTS, snackydoodles and a bad/funny movie.

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