- 10:07:30: I hope this guy hurries up to come over and caulk the shower because I’m about to need to poop.
- 10:10:03: Cabin window and ladder to loft. http://twitpic.com/2l7wlt
- 10:15:13: Great . . . Now the cabin is filled with insipid sounds of new age music and the stench of my shit.
- 12:00:03: Still waiting for a thick caulking. I’ve an urge to waste time & money on watercolors (no, I don’t know how to paint).
- 13:25:27: Treat: black paper & “colour” pencils. http://twitpic.com/2l9r7p
- 23:14:53: Mundane details of what happened the first day at the cabin: http://www.tastytrixie.com/accomplishments/cabin-day-one/
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