- 10:43:04: Deer tracks in the snow. http://twitpic.com/39io05
- 10:44:02: We have ice on the inside of some of our windows. This house is not a model of energy efficiency.
- 11:24:38: Hint: http://twitter.com/BloodyTrixie/statuses/7129350591746048
- 12:47:03: I just stuttered on the word “rigamarole” when leaving message for cable internet biz manager. I deserve it; apparently word is RIGMAROLE.
- 13:02:35: RT @DeliaTS: In case any of you want to nominate DeliaTS.com for Best Independent TGirl Website 🙂 http://trannyawards.com/nominateform …
- 13:15:50: WTF: can we still not manage our availability one listing at a time on Niteflirt? When is this shit going to be fixed?
- 14:10:23: @DivineMadamM Ahhhh, thanks for the tip!!
- 14:12:16: Got caught up on extending memberships; now I need to take care of the bills. It will be really fun considering 11+ day income interruptus.
- 14:26:58: RT @audaciaray: Important piece by @DentedBlue on trans women and sex work http://ht.ly/3ewKq
- 19:02:37: Tried to do errands, but the ice and snow is such that we couldn’t safely travel more than 1.5 blocks. Hope we can make it to Thanksgiving!
- 23:53:15: PIC:My boobs are soft and my toes are defined: http://temporarytrixie.tumblr.com/post/1667217792/hope-to-finish-editing-these-pictures-of-me
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