- 08:19:14: RT @spyonus: Just fixed the clock on the main spycam computer so the bedroom cam is now displaying the correct time here again.
- 10:18:46: It’s unfortunate that I got this whole tethered setup at the cabin so am now shopping for Star Trek action figures instead of writing.
- 10:58:20: Aren’t rodents just ADORABLE?!? You naughty little squirrel . . . I see you. I also love it when rats stand on their hind legs.
- 12:24:30: Just off phone w/my sister, crying. One of our cousins is dying of cancer and it’s really sad. Need to spend some time with her.
- 14:58:27: How I celebrated my birthday . . . LAST year: http://www.tastytrixie.com/aging/37-is-a-beautiful-perfect-number/
- 17:24:14: I’m at the cabin, burning up my data plan spying on @DeliaTS while she entertains all hot & naked on cam: http://deliats.cammodels.com/
- 21:39:30: We’re going to watch this with dinner, I think/hope. If our dsl cooperates & it’s as interesting as I’m sure… (Moog) http://miso.io/dAxT6K
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