- Happy Saturday, neighbors! Our lawnmower is back & better than ever … Can't wait to test out its sharpened blade! #NoisePollution #
- I just posted 3 nudie pics announcing a THEME for my next 7 days daily nudies! http://t.co/TWjz6YfC Hahaha! #
- LMAO @DeliaTS sweetly letting someone pretending he's her member know that she's onto his bullshit. Live on cam: http://t.co/cXSXwuFC #
- Which friend @DeeAnderK ? Do you mean @HRugaru ? in reply to DeeAnderK #
- LOL @kwthemale – @DeliaTS used to BE Tucker before she transitioned. They're the same/one person. Other people confused about that, too. in reply to kwthemale #
- Even people who met Tucker in real life, then "met" @DeliaTS a couple of years later did not realize she was someone they met before. #
- Haha, @DeeAnderK @HRugaru – yeah, it WAS exciting! He had to move, though. Many states away from us now. in reply to DeeAnderK #
- @kwthemale @DeliaTS It's pretty amazing, eh? We have to do a better job of explaining it all on our sites. in reply to kwthemale #
- I *so* want Jack to suck Sayid's cock. (watching Lost, Everybody Hates Hugo S02E04) http://t.co/GvQNysai #
- Trying to replace the word "finished" with the word READY: http://t.co/DcMr4qUo (about work, perfectionism, ego, bullshit, etc.) #
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