• My period started early early early this morning. It's our first 0% chance of rain day. I'm going to stretch as many of my muscles as I can. #
  • Spent an hour+ stretching. Eating delicious salad @deliats made, drinking toasty green tea, having period cramps, feeling warm & alive. #
  • Listening to one of my favorite @heartsofspace programs: Journey to Stratos: http://t.co/6JV2e3E3 #
  • Voyeuristic topless bookworm pics of me enjoying the good life in our backyard today: http://t.co/1lsOP1M1 #
  • Score, @SuperViewer ! You deserve it – thanks for all of the retweets and support you show me and my fellow webwhores! in reply to SuperViewer #

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