• So sick of the simple-minded guns bullshit. Why don't you all try talking about the obvious/scarier GENDER "control" before "gun control"? #
  • Sick and tired of people not willing to discuss or even acknowledge the obvious: we raise GUYS to be violent, dangerous & emo inarticulate. #
  • The good news is we went on a walk & ate huckleberries, PERFECTLY JAMMY thimbleberries, and blackcaps. #
  • Here's a modest proposal: only allow women access to guns! And if she lets "her man" borrow it, SHOOT BOTH OF THEM! #
  • Seriously America, your ideas are all that fucking stupid & unrealistic & fucked-up. On both sides. You just won't admit who/what we are. #
  • EXACTLY, @bmagnanti – I was going to say that I don't think it would be better to have one's head stomped in by some kids in London. in reply to bmagnanti #
  • But yes, yes . . . I know you can't bash out 28 people's brains in five minutes without guns. Blah blah blah. It's still pretty rare. #
  • @bmagnanti & only using London as example; I'm also more afraid of being punched, kicked, raped to great injury in US than I am being shot. in reply to bmagnanti #
  • Penis Control: only licensed to keep yours if you prove you know how to "use your words" & don't hate your mom for "cheating" on your dad. #
  • Sorry everyone: it's my week off the pill. Without my "girl"mones, my testosterone levels make me feel like kicking everyone's asses. #
  • And yes, you should read everything I've said as a tiny morsel of truth wrapped in a heavy layer of ludicrousness (is that even a word?). #
  • On a more uplifting, less divisive note, here's a beautiful picture of a dead rat: http://t.co/6Ctvy1Re #
  • She died with her eyes open; probably poison, not Kitty Who. Almost made it to pillow of woolly thyme. RIP. http://t.co/enI3KJmo #
  • Daisy in our yard: http://t.co/BG6DAvN4 #
  • Flyswatter (outside, because having fly guts inside is disgusting): http://t.co/U0FbUBKb #
  • But also, this is just a pretty cool picture of a flyswatter (nothing says "summer" like flies, right?) http://t.co/1c2Vmy3d #
  • OMG you guys, I totally didn't even know about that crazy racist shooting when I was tweeting all that guns & gender shit this morning. #
  • But I'm trying to move my dead rat pics out of first-sight, so posting some prettier stuff now. #
  • Pretty pic of @deliats swamped by sunshine in our backyard: http://t.co/QQZK7NqD #
  • Hose & my new stool. Did I already post this? If so, please excuse me – I'm very fond of this image: http://t.co/oqcxLKdu #
  • When I ignore the news and . . . people . . . I get a lot done. I met a big & meaningful goal today to be ahead on somethings important! #
  • Doing something I should've done MANY HOURS AGO in today's candid nudie pic: http://t.co/Vqj1UQQq #
  • Classic sweet bedtime ending to a long day. (watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Dauphin S02E10) http://t.co/9R7ER65U #
  • Classic sweet bedtime ending to a long day. (watching Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Dauphin S02E10) http://t.co/NEc9ktbj #

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