- Getting ready to shave & shoot. Something. ANYTHING. Reminding myself it (I?) can be good without being perfect. 10:50:16
- I won't be surprised if a bird poops on my head. Or, more probable, in my bathwater. Nay, I will give thanks & praise to the Lorduh. 12:06:51
- I loved The Vagina Monologues when the book came out & I read it – lots to celebrate, @artofmood @theravynsnest – don't get me wrong. in reply to artofmood 12:39:03
- I'm definitely not the 1st or only 1 or part of a small crowd to point out the prob w/using "vagina" incorrectly @artofmood @theravynsnest in reply to artofmood 12:40:13
- I oversimplified to make a point, @artofmood @theravynsnest – I believe there's plenty of blame to spread around all over plenty of us. in reply to artofmood 12:43:33
- I'm trying to say that using the word "vagina" for all female genitalia reinforces ignorance & does a big disservice, @artofmood in reply to artofmood 12:45:24
- And I also balk hard at reading Naomi Wolf using the word "vagina" as a kind of synonym for gender, @artofmood . in reply to artofmood 12:46:56
- I think those 2 writers have a LOT to do with reinforcing (while YES trying to fight) ignorance & hate about women, cunts, etc. @artofmood in reply to artofmood 12:50:57
- Folks: feel free to @ me or DM me or email me with links to good criticisms or discussions about the whole vagina vs. vulva + trans problem. 12:56:16
- *I* can't read all of it today, but I'd be happy to make up for my simple frustrated 140's by retweeting more complex discussions. 12:57:23
- This lovely discussion brought to you by procrastinating on shooting softcore porn in which I both reinforce stereotypes & "empower" my vag. 13:00:21
- My nudie pic of today: http://t.co/UClcJprF about to shave for the shoot we just shot. 13:55:18
- Oh, it's Universal Coming Out Day or something? Well, if you didn't know, I AM SEXUAL. Not homo, not het … 14:07:57
- . . . not into fundamentally flawed words like "bi"sexual. 14:08:22
- First "fire" of the season! http://t.co/oXbIOr76 20:35:46
- RT @AmberLily: Don't I look like a perverted dolly in this… http://t.co/mHHHPPNe 21:29:48
- Starting new habit of turning off the internet on my phone to curb my compulsive, mindless & totally useless dicking around. 22:08:39
My Life Yesterday
October 13, 2012
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