- Also: the little pee video I just posted for members. And now: bedtime with books. 00:01:08
- If you use one of those twitter management things that automatically unfollows people? You really should stop using it. 10:18:23
- Wondering how long the gas was on unlit on the stove & my mom saying she's giving her cats up because of my allergies don't make me happy. 11:40:05
- The awesome thing is its a good reason to have the doors wide open on a beautifully windy fall day. http://t.co/49Rmehd8 12:20:07
- Heard: a frog, a raven, the wind in the trees and against other things, some other smaller bird . . . 13:10:06
- My nudie pic for today is me peeing in the backyard: http://t.co/F3EpySpC 14:04:42
- Partially drying off after long soak in the tub outside in light-to-medium rain with sky darkening. 17:21:48
- I put up a different shuffle of tunes on my "radio station": http://t.co/yZHBBRAE 18:19:48
- Excited about @deliats coming home from her date. I can't wait to hear about it! 19:32:36
My Life Yesterday
October 15, 2012
Archived Tweets microblog, TastyTrixie, twitter Leave a comment
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