• 13:15 Rereading portions of the most beautiful biology book in the whole world: _Woman: An Intimate Geography_. Meditating on my womb. #
  • 14:06 So excited about www.goldencompassmovie.com/ – have been rereading book(s). My feelings about these books are very intense. #
  • 16:35 Weird; guy I lost my virginity to now bears uncanny resemblance to Christian Slater on sex offender registry site. He loved Pump Up the Vol. #
  • 18:25 "Real" blog post here: tinyurl.com/2cm99f and new place for "fake" entries: dailytrixie.blogspot.com/ #
  • 18:54 It may be dark outside & nearing sleepytime for most people, but I’m JUST getting ready to RUMBLE! And no, that’s not a euphemism for poop. #
  • 19:06 What?!? Why were my amazon wishlists’ addresses all fucked up? Ugh. Fixing now. #
  • 23:23 Took a bath; closed my eyes & imagines I was in a large warm underground pool. Lotioned up afterward with my fave alba kukui nut body cream. #
  • 23:54 Made a sale to legworld even though it doesn’t exist anymore. WHY would hustler kill that site & absorb it into hustler generic? Sigh. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter