• 11:49 Shaking; was suffering from Twitter withdrawals. So glad it’s back up so I can get my fix. #
  • 12:15 Our fuck last night (with inspired, perverted pics): tinyurl.com/3ch7qa #
  • 13:22 Awesome! All of my iFriends webcam archives back to the year 2000 have been restored!! tinyurl.com/2ghmhy #
  • 13:37 Okay, maybe not ALL of them. Harumph. Ahh, the memories. #
  • 15:29 Sweet! Pinnacle just came for us (they even included the green screen)! So much for a real day off, though; want to play with it! #
  • 16:00 Eating chili and watching Heroes for lunch. Me likey. #
  • 17:21 Rock on! Take rapidshare DOWN: tinyurl.com/2s8ak7 #
  • 18:12 FINALLY found an awesome wordpress theme for one of my fave blogs I don’t have time to update often: livewebwhores.com/ #
  • 21:31 Just got home from a chilly, spooky walk outside. Now we are going to the store for snackydoodles. Because that’s what we do. #
  • 00:11 From what I saw, Clinton came across way better than Obama. I thought that Hollywood bullshit was fucked up and bizarre. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter