- 11:20 I’d say I slept like the dead, but the dead don’t have insane dreams. At least, we presume that they don’t. #
- 12:49 Eating a banana for breakfast and feeling the slow migration of poop moving downwards towards my bowels. Sinking . . . sinking . . . #
- 13:22 Wow! I’ve lost four pounds since Monday (when I joined SparkPeople.com). #
- 13:57 Going to get some exercise before I’m totally starving for lunch. Belly dance dvd? Sorry to say, going to do it in private without a cam. #
- 14:47 OMG; I could barely make it through the arms portion of the arms & abs thing. Will probably not be able to wank tomorrow due to soreness. #
- 15:20 I *hate* Network Solutions. Need to transfer Trixie.com away from those highway robbery/marketing call fuckers. #
- 18:00 Went to the bank, bought some cards for family, going to give Delia a tiny present, then eat! #
- 18:19 Altered my Saturday show schedule a little due to caucus; 1st show canceled, 2nd show 2 hours later, Rude show added for 9 pacific. #
- 20:02 Ooooh . . . I am passing the FOULEST gas. Really rank! #
- 23:08 My body feels fucking AWESOME! Daily exercise & reasonable eating is really making me feel good. My back feels great after ab ex today. #
- 23:29 God, I have such a huge crush on Nina Garcia. And I don’t think she’s mean at all; on the contrary, she seems patient, forgiving & kind. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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