• 10:53 Went through my junk email since November; rescued about five REAL emails. Now time for breakfast after very vivid dreams last night. #
  • 12:22 Just called poison control to ask if I should be worried about moldy apple I ate (attributed taste to patchouli on wrists ’til asked Delia). #
  • 12:24 Answer: fruit molds not dangerous unless allergic. Now I need to get ready for my show. #
  • 14:59 Had a pleasant show & lovely soup lunch. Now I am *sleepy*, but want to do a little blogging or writing for members-only area. #
  • 16:25 I just peed on one of the ties on my robe. And not to be sexy, either. #
  • 16:47 Root for the porno we were in, The Bi Apple, to win an award! tinyurl.com/2s5un3 #
  • 16:52 I’ve got another show happening in an hour so I’m grabbing a snack and figuring out what to wear. #
  • 19:18 Oh great god Graaaaaaaaaavity, do you really want to keep pushing me down, down, down? So . . . . heavy . . . . taaaaaaaard. #
  • 22:12 I’m going to go and fiddle with my keyboard and recording software; hope that it’s magically not such a resource hog as last time I tried. #
  • 00:27 I need to go to bed or something. May my period start soon so we can start the whole cycle of trying to conceive. Again. *Yawn* #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter