• 09:20 Sooooo hungry. Had to have a luna bar in the middle of the night. Need one now, too, before we go on a morning walk. #
  • 10:07 Lately have gotten a lot of CC declines & rebills failing: is our pmt processor scrubbing harder or are more people just broke beyond limit? #
  • 11:31 Just back from our walk and I *stink* of sweat. Going to try to finish the promos I started working on yesterday & have some lunch too. #
  • 13:48 Phew! Finally sent out promo galleries & submitted them to sponsor database. Now I’m dying to eat some lunch. #
  • 13:50 GodDAMN! Crazy lawnmowing lady needs to stay away from our yard & stop blowing rocks & debris towards our dog. Already broke window once. #
  • 14:06 OMG — I just want to eat & be left alone, but she is IN OUR YARD mowing. Does she desire a confrontation? It’s so weird. Weirdweirdweird. #
  • 14:28 FINALLY that madwoman has stopped mowing. Somebody give her five acres far from me to keep her occupied. #
  • 14:58 Bawling. Just rec’d a beautiful, sweet, thoughtful baby quilt & other fertility blessings Delia’s ex-gf made for us. #
  • 16:11 I am being LAVISHED w/love today (well, every day, but in gift form today): Delia bought me a backpack, raincoat, sleeping bag 4 hiking. #
  • 19:03 Had dinner & some lovely sex. Now we’re catching up on Project Runway & heading to the store for dessert. #
  • 20:17 Mmmm . . . going to have some lox, avocado, tomatoes and more Project Runway. AND CHOCOLATE CAKE! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter