- 10:51 No one disturb me; diving into a hot sex scene between my book’s naive heroine and . . . Grover Cleveland. Love his heft & moustache. #
- 12:14 Just spent half an hour stretching — feeling SO good (and very tall for being 5’2"), and have more exercise penciled in for today. #
- 13:36 Will it ever cease to amaze me when I find my photos featured on BBW and Granny sites? Maybe when I’m 60 & weigh 75 pounds more? #
- 13:37 I’m not saying it bothers me, it just seems SLIGHTLY inaccurate. But I’m grateful for the traffic regardless. #
- 16:20 Wow — about to fall asleep. Thinking about a hot bath before I record vlog for members, but maybe a nap first is in order. #
- 19:06 twitpic.com/vshp – I know. It’s hard to believe I still haven’t gone to see Twilight & throw my panties at the screen. #
- 19:26 Woops — I totally fucked up my links to my favorite pictures in the gallery I just posted for members. Fixing now. #
- 20:13 I feel pretty good about the idea of going to bed with a book right now. A book AND A CHEESEBURGER. Roads to icy to get burger, though. #
- 22:32 Grrrrr! Wrote back to a member regarding a tech issue and his ISP bounced it back to me as spam. CHARTER.NET MUST DIE!! #
- 23:30 Give our dog massage makes me feel so happy because it obviously makes her feel so good. Going to have some Lapsang Souchang now. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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