• 10:12 The morning is always better when we’ve had fucking the night before. This is a byoooooootiful morning! #
  • 13:11 So far today I’ve 1) drafted a long, self-indulgent blog entry and 2) listened to/watched the wind blowing through the trees. #
  • 15:04 Ugh. Snow predicted for today. Right now it’s just super windy here, though. And lunchtime. #
  • 15:18 It’s too cold for me to stand in the kitchen long enough to try to decide what to have/make for lunch. As a result, I’m starving. #
  • 18:51 Glargh — it’s snowing again. I’ve been sterilizing sex toys, doing some exercise, and cleaning up WebWhore Headquarters. #
  • 22:07 Really, I’m not fat! It’s just a VERY fluffy robe! I’m just warm/comfortable. Underneath this pink fleece I’m quite svelte. Truly, I am! #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter