- 10:33 Getting ready for some hot, soothing tea for breakfast before our members-only chat at noon (pacific)/in 90 minutes. #
- 11:33 Awesome. I just filled my pill box up with my supplements and promptly set it somewhere I’d never find it again. NEED my iodine! #
- 17:52 OMG. Googling an ex I found a page with paypal logins (username & password), cpanel logins, voicemail logins, bank logins, etc. #
- 18:37 I can’t believe how many people charge other people money for services (ex. web security) that they don’t understand. God help them. #
- 00:45 Had two great orgasms during my show earlier. Just spent way too much time answering some questions about porn and the recession. Bedtime. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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