• 09:25 Woke up to my fingers smelling like my own really hot, musky pussy. Now it’s time for breakfast which will smell like sweet cinnamony tea. #
  • 10:59 Hope I get something more than laundry and exercise done today, but you know? That might be it. I’ve got a lot of dirty panties, after all. #
  • 13:18 A disgusting & offensive blog entry with more of those blonde in black & white webcam pics I took of myself: is.gd/tbGl #
  • 15:11 Just got done exercising. Had to put a sprung uniboob sports bra over a minimizing bra to be able to jog in place. Need better sports bras. #
  • 15:24 twitpic.com/3jzyi – My doubled-up bras & belly post workout. #
  • 15:25 twitpic.com/3k04p – At the stage where I’m reluctant to try to lose these beautiful belly rolls. They’re cute! #
  • 15:27 twitpic.com/3k0ap – But I’ll try to lose a couple more tummy inches so I can get pants that aren’t loose around my annoyingly sma … #
  • 20:28 Sbpbpbpbpbplplplplpolplooooooooooooop. So. SLEEPY. It’s never-ending, my hunger for sleep. Blog post about why coming . . . someday? #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter