• 06:23:03: Been tossing & turning for the past hour ever since @DeliaTS got out of bed, unable to sleep.
  • 06:30:59: Going to get back in bed with newly hot watered bottle to read _Stardust_ & fall back to sleep, I hope. As soon as I do? Dog’ll want out.
  • 06:46:01: Great post (& blog): RT @raquelita: I wrote an essay for @drinkingdiaries: “Drunk Sex, How I Miss You (Sometimes, Anyway)”: http://vb.ly/1oc
  • 12:21:48: Now if only I could find the camera so I could download those pictures . . .
  • 15:57:37: Listening to Harvey Milk & editing pictures from a gallery that brings back bad memories of how big an asshole I am.
  • 23:15:47: @heathercorinna Wheeee! Thanks – sent you an email to your .mac address / can’t DM you on here.
  • 23:16:43: Members: new vlog & gallery is up for your enjoyment. Lots of freckles!! And now I’m going to bed with my lots of allergies.
  • 23:52:45: My mouth tastes like bread mold because I handled a pill with patchouli lotion on my hands before I swallowed it.
  • 23:54:42: LOVE this song; been wanting to hear it but it’s buried in my cassette collection somewhere @UndressJess: “Oh l… ♫ http://blip.fm/~cnggp

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