My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 10:49 It’s starting to get cold (finally). I’m kind of nervous about having more dark hours since I had such a hard time last winter. #
  • 12:14 I really enjoy reading lovingly-written reviews of my girlfriend’s website: #
  • 14:05 I’m totally supposed to be doing our taxes right now but have been hyperfocusing on continuing project began yesterday instead. #
  • 14:15 Oh dear lord. Just remembered my printer decided to stop working. This REALLY puts a crimp in tax day. Goddamn it to hell. #
  • 16:21 The good news is we a te and our printer magically began working again. #
  • 16:45 I know it’s ridiculous, but I feel like I just can’t go on without finding my tablets of lined yellow paper. #
  • 19:28 Logged in roving cam so you can see me sorting tax stuff at the kitchen table, bundled up because I’m too cheap to turn on heat. #
  • 22:41 Jesus FUCK, someone shoot me now. The fucking landlords are coming. At least they said they’re not moving here anytime soon. #
  • 22:44 They live in Alaska so you know they had this trip planned well BEFORE today, but this is the notice they give? We have shows scheduled! #
  • 22:55 Didn’t get taxes finished today, but I will tomorrow. Trying to look on bright side of landlord visit. Ummmmm . . . yeah. Hate deporning. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

From Twitter 10-12-2009

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  • 00:07:52: @UndressJess God, you make me blush. I think I look like a middle-aged slob, with my old-lady slippers & shit. Hopefully that’s charming!
  • 00:08:51: I would love to stay up all night working on current project, but tomorrow I need to be fresh; devoting Columbus day to preparing taxes.
  • 00:11:10: @UndressJess Yes, but you look ADORABLE and so camgirly every time I sneak a peek at you. Cozy-at-home, yet fetchingly cute.
  • 00:55:16: Being a night owl on the west coast means my PM tweets get buried. Good thing I post all my INTERESTING poop tweets in the morning, eh?
  • 10:49:24: It’s starting to get cold (finally). I’m kind of nervous about having more dark hours since I had such a hard time last winter.
  • 12:14:27: I really enjoy reading lovingly-written reviews of my girlfriend’s website:
  • 14:05:17: I’m totally supposed to be doing our taxes right now but have been hyperfocusing on continuing project began yesterday instead.
  • 14:15:43: Oh dear lord. Just remembered my printer decided to stop working. This REALLY puts a crimp in tax day. Goddamn it to hell.
  • 16:21:59: The good news is we ate and our printer magically began working again.
  • 16:45:48: I know it’s ridiculous, but I feel like I just can’t go on without finding my tablets of lined yellow paper.
  • 19:28:45: Logged in roving cam so you can see me sorting tax stuff at the kitchen table, bundled up because I’m too cheap to turn on heat.
  • 22:41:30: Jesus FUCK, someone shoot me now. The fucking landlords are coming. At least they said they’re not moving here anytime soon.
  • 22:44:17: They live in Alaska so you know they had this trip planned well BEFORE today, but this is the notice they give? We have shows scheduled!
  • 22:55:21: Didn’t get taxes finished today, but I will tomorrow. Trying to look on bright side of landlord visit. Ummmmm . . . yeah. Hate deporning.

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