- 10:50 Awake too soon. Just did a couple of speed tests and am slightly dissatisfied with our connection. Makes running cams hard. #
- 12:08 Just updated trixieandfriends.com/ (I’ll put a smilier, boobier pic up for you guys later). Breakfast now, then a show! #
- 12:32 About to get in the tub to shave my pits. I know I should switch it up & get rid of the bush for awhile, but I’m loving it too much. #
- 14:18 Had two huge orgasms during my show. Have since put on cozy clothes and WebWhoreHQ smells like butterscotch, orange & kukui nut lotions. #
- 14:39 sexypeek.com/2Pj – My hard nipples outside in black & white from most recent photo set. #
- 15:11 I should really be taking a nap right now. #
- 15:36 If you’re not sick of looking at my boobs, here’s another picture of them: bit.ly/26765z #
- 16:31 I don’t *want* to take a nap but I’m afraid if I don’t the rest of the night will hurt my brain. #
- 21:15 5 billion loads of fond, warm congratulations to @belledejour_uk for this: is.gd/4Vi1E and this: is.gd/4Vi2C #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter