• 13:16 Trying to get my update done while keeping an eye on the spycam site where it appears the guy is fucking with us: cams unstable. #
  • 13:59 I’m kind of freaking out about this spycam problem/drama. Trying not to stress out because I know it does no good. #
  • 15:52 Rigging up some different cams, downloading software etc. to make up for the SpyOnYou plugin being officially dead for us. Almost 8 years. #
  • 16:27 Squeezed some extra cams onto Rude & Housecamz to help make up for loss. We’ll also have a couple more Rude profiles up for cams SOON! #
  • 17:30 Going out for groceries. No matter what I don’t get done I *AM* going to watch Great Expectations tonight with hot bowls of lemony soup. #
  • 21:07 Just posted teasers of my latest members-only updates here: trixieandfriends.com (sorry I haven’t done previews for last week’s). #
  • 21:11 Okay. I’ve done what I can today. I am now making myself soup to enjoy with an old movie (Great Expectations). #
  • 22:14 I *was* looking forward to watching this movie alone, but my longing for @DeliaTS is competing hard with "the joy of solitude". #
  • 00:20 I *love* masturbating to homemade videos of dudes fucking fake pussies/toys. #
  • 00:32 Trying to decide if I should go for a fourth orgasm before bed. I better not, though. It would mash my clit into oblivion with magic wand. #
  • 00:45 Well @docporno – if MY clit adapted like the borg it would morph into an inflatable reticulated latex dong with an ocular implant. #
  • 00:46 @buddhaman1390 Thanks! That’s nice to hear. #
  • 00:47 All I want to do is masturbate at the computer and eat in bed. That’s what stress does to me. I mean it makes me want those even more. #
  • 00:53 I don’t know what I was thinking, taking a cycle off the pill. It makes me v iolent and every so hungry for white white carbs all night long. #
  • 00:53 Make that EVER so hungry. More than every so often. #
  • 00:55 Point of clarification: I am NOT watching the overdone barforama music video of a fashion show ’98 version of Great Expectations. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter