- 10:00:43: Got some stuff shot last night, nothing destined to be FAVES though. Still worth it, I hope. Going to try again this morning!
- 12:16:01: I should REALLY be taking more plumper pics on purpose because I’ve got the apron of fat & rolls & chubby face going ON these days!
- 12:17:10: Note: that is not a put-down of myself. It’s just hard for me to conform to one niche standard of body size. In other pics I look slender.
- 13:23:44: I seem to be in a really good mood when I take my birth control pill in the morning instead of before going to sleep.
- 13:29:30: So when I try to take plumper pics on purpose, then I don’t look plump ENOUGH. Just sort of all . . . out of proportion.
- 14:44:12: Sometimes it kind of freaks me out, how many people have seen my hole where the poop comes out. Total strangers on the internet. Bizarre.
- 14:47:07: I’m listening to “Passion” by Hot Club Of Detroit (http://bit.ly/eVxJ91) #pandora – and so many other good tunes!
- 15:26:46: With the addition of my chins, I sometimes look like Dig’em the Honey Smacks frog in certain pictures. But what can you do . . .
- 20:36:17: Narrowing down a fresh set of pictures I just edited and hope to post tonight, but probably tomorrow AM.
- 22:33:58: The Spring Green Daisy Panties gallery is now ready for members; does it inspire new growth in you? http://tastytrixie.com/members
- 23:48:06: Bought a present for my bday I might regret: a smartphone & data plan w/tethering for possible roving cam (& ruination at the cabin).
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