• My period. It's starting to start starting. Posted something in my secret blog for members-only. Working on a pic gallery & free post. #
  • Semi-miserable. Computer hjacked by malware again, this time posing as system restore. Cannot interrupt or access ANYTHING. Says C: gone. #
  • I can't help suspecting a certain sociopathic imp of satan is behind it, but maybe I'm just paranoid. Pretty hard to work this way. #
  • It may be awhile (days? or…) since a bunch of my work is inaccessible and/or gone thanks to computer virus, @rayzer63 – sad sad sad. in reply to rayzer63 #
  • @rayzer63 no streamate for me tonight with main computer dead in water & late update. Shopping for new computer at this point I guess. in reply to rayzer63 #
  • @rayzer63 thanks 🙂 Oh, and I should clarify that the new pics & posts are not related to my period, just mentioned in the same tweet. in reply to rayzer63 #
  • @DeeDennis @Shanna_Katz Man, I *really* want to know what the toy was or at least what TYPE & of what material. A rough seam I wonder? in reply to DeeDennis #
  • Got a lead on a trustworthy local tech helper. Going to run errands & burn off steam, let brain rest/de-stress before more troubleshooting. #
  • I'm so glad my computer blew up! Because now we've been introduced to someone awesome who likes movies(!) to be our in-town computer helper. #

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