• My nudie pic of the day from last night, wearing glasses: http://t.co/Ie6hRVnG #
  • Oops – no wonder I feel queasy; I got mixed up on the day of the week and took two birth control pills in one day. #
  • It's amazing how effective it is to give myself hugs. Solo sex and all kinds of self love are beautiful things! #
  • Do you ever wish you had a girlfriend with a beautiful cock & big tits? Mine is live on cam for you right now! http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
  • I can't believe someone rated me a 3 because I fell off my chair onto the floor while masturbating! SO funny! http://t.co/QmfsHcja #
  • The Hunter is at our house again. @DeliaTS is sitting on his lap on our spycams right now. I promise I'm not watching. #
  • Pic of me naked in my loft tonight & more about @DeliaTS boyfriend, The Hunter, spending the night(s): http://t.co/JFhwlAid #

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