• 09:58 Wow — another intensely beautiful frosty morning with blue skies and sunshine. Going to start my day with some music & stretching. #
  • 11:04 Continuing work on new TastyTrixie tour . . . trying not to be impatient with myself, but I am SO TIRED of working on this. #
  • 12:45 Hmmmm. . . one of the spycam sites we’re on is loading really slowly & has disconnected us. Will give it a few minutes & check again. #
  • 12:53 Need to stand up, take a break, and eat some lunch. One more page sorta done: www.tastytrixie.com/clean/video.html #
  • 14:57 Woops. 2 hours later, and I still haven’t taken that break or eaten lunch. I’m hungry! Almost done with basics of affiliates’ site tour. #
  • 15:21 Talking to my mom on the fucking phone is like motherfucking TORTURE. The simplest conversation becomes RAZORBLADES to the brain. #
  • 15:45 I’m so off the deep end right now. Almost replied harshly to idiot Dems in our county who sent "Kucinich 4 pres – he’s still in the race!" #
  • 17:45 I am getting way too dorky on my porn site redesign. But only dorks will read my dorkiness, so it probably works out perfectly. #
  • 21:27 Made tacos for dinner. Watched Project Runway while we ate. Just peed on ovulation test strip. #
  • 22:44 I think it’s time for me to hit the smack. Errr, the SACK. I’ve never hit the smack before. #
  • 00:01 We had a lovely stretch in our moonlit parlor. Deliciously dorky new age music playing. #
  • 00:37 It’s late at night, so maybe people won’t mind some excess twitter spammage: my bookwormhole idea: tinyurl.com/2d5uej #
  • 00:37 www.tastytrixie.com/clean/TrialMemberships.htm (Why I don’t offer cheap trial memberships to my porn site). #
  • 00:38 What I think of porn bargains: www.tastytrixie.com/clean/PornBargains.html #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter