• 09:38 Doing my usually-on-Monday ritual of bill-paying and schtuff. #
  • 11:37 Staring at blank hot pink sticky note, wondering what it was I thought I needed to write on there. #
  • 12:41 Working on a disturbing story for members. #
  • 13:12 Been having too much caffeine; have a headache. Story is almost done but might be too embarrassing/horrifying to post. #
  • 13:17 I just caught a whiff of something that smelled like Disneyland. The Pirates ride, to be specific. #
  • 14:52 Managed to keep two headache pills down and in the dark long enough I feel greatly improved. Now for a bath . . . #
  • 16:47 Hmm… I need to call CCBill to figure out what the fuck rate they are charging; looks different on our sub-accounts. > 15% = lame. #
  • 18:26 My masturbation confession: "a bad man lives next door" is now posted for members. Not as hot as it sounds, but violent & disgusting. #
  • 19:56 Holy shit! Crazy bitch checker totally flipped out on our bumbling ex-cop checker at grocery store. It was insane. Told him I’d vouch 4 him. #
  • 22:28 Editing some pics. Letting chili dinner settle. Trying not to think about the hotness that is Chuck and Blair. xoxo #
  • 22:48 Going to take Sabriel to bed with me tonight: tinyurl.com/64vy8c #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter