- 10:06 Brewing some tea, checking the light outside. Today we’re trying to do a few shoots & hoping some will be outside. #
- 12:38 Breakfast been had. Shaving & shower been had. Going to log in wherever cam to do some foot work. #
- 13:44 Stressed/confused trying to figure out what to shoot/where to shoot/who to shoot/when to shoot. It’s tres tricky coordinating this shit. #
- 13:58 Feeling enormously stressed; I have way too much piled on me to try to prioritize it all & make it happen. I love my shit, but it’s hard. #
- 14:00 Maybe I’m just freaking out because I really HAVE to pay our late taxes next month & we’ll need a miracle to do it. A miracle out of my ass. #
- 15:49 Think I need to make a list of everything I’m afraid of, worries large & small, & how to respond to each &/or why I can release each one. #
- 16:20 Ugh. One wash and my lovely dark hair is already fading, reddening and turning to dingy dishwater. Can’t wait for next couple processes. #
- 17:47 Follow-up to my tweet for input on hard drive docks: Hard Drives for WebWhores: tinyurl.com/5m52o7 about making backups, etc. #
- 19:05 I’m constipated. Feeling like I’m incompetent compounded by inability to do something as basic as POOP = low self esteem. #
- 19:12 The only thing keeping me from bursting into tears of overwhelmed frustration is that if we shoot in the morning I cannot have puffy eyes. #
- 20:33 Going to shoot some pics of Delia now. #
- 21:53 Delia’s wearing a very hot, shiny, satiny pink dress. It makes me feel so much better -focused- touching her on the panties this way. #
- 00:28 Watched ANTM. Reconnected the ballroom cam (kept getting disconnections today). Set the alarm to get up & shoot early before high noon. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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