• 11:01 I *think* I just started working on a fairly-unambitious blog redesign. So SO overdue to update outdated crap at tastytrixie.com/blog #
  • 14:30 Happy with my progress on spiffing up my blog. Going to take a break for lunch. Maybe stretch & get some fresh air, too? #
  • 19:59 Added a form for bloggers to intro themselves/request link exchanges with me: tastytrixie.com/blog (left sidebar under contact me). #
  • 23:15 I accomplished two things today, the most important being that I didn’t stress or freak out about anything. And I pooped twice! #
  • 23:55 Taco Bell fucked up our order so I got a surprise triple-dose of dairy. Lactaid may have been too late by the time I realized. Ill. #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter