- 08:20 Happy solstice &/or Father’s day! Now WHY AM I AWAKE this early? Oh yeah, the sun comes up so early our dog thinks it’s time to get up at 6. #
- 10:52 @twitter Could you unsuspend @bloodytrixie please? Pretty please? #
- 10:58 Updating our clips4sale store which I’ve stupidly let languish: clips4sale.com/studio/8131 #
- 17:26 Why do some people pronounce "drawing", "DRAWLING"? People who have no discernible accent otherwise? #
- 20:29 Had to get out of the house. Spent an hour wandering around the casino playing pennies during @DeliaTS meeting. I smell stinky & I like it! #
- 21:30 Sweet JESUS, fingerbang me! JohnnyDepp & Christian Bale: ultimate threesome. Can’t wait for that Dillinger flick. #
- 00:49 Just got home from seeing Star Trek — fucking phenomenal AND nothing could have been more perfect on Father’s Day. #
- 01:05 @SpacedRant We *love* Zack G. & Mike T. but nope, haven’t seen Hangover. Star Trek is the 1st movie we’ve seen out in at least 3 months. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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