- 10:30 I’ve got a show in 90 minutes / at noon pacific time. Members go here: www.tastytrixie.com/members/RUDE.html #
- 11:22 Need to do a little virus cleanup before my show. On my computer, that is. WebWhoreHQ cam will be down until showtime-ish. #
- 13:04 I got off so fucking hard on the smell of my hairy cunt during my show. Totally fucking intoxicated by that hot bush scent. #
- 14:03 New blog entry about My Hot, Intoxicating Bush: bit.ly/NlHbD #
- 14:26 Cramps are setting in; I’m going to chat in 30 minutes from bed so check out MoreBed and/or NightVision cam in members-only chat then. #
- 17:45 Just shot a set of pics for bloodytrixie.com — why, I don’t know, since I don’t have time to pay attention to that site. #
- 17:48 It felt SO GOOD to put on one of my favorite wiggle dresses and be able to EASILY zip it up. I could get used to that feeling. #
- 18:17 I can’t think of anything I really want to eat right now. Except a bloody fucking steak & some hash browns. Not an option right now. #
- 22:33 Fuck yeah . . . I’ve got my Madame Medusa look going ON in some of the pics we shot tonight! #
- 23:13 A couple of pics from the set we shot today with me wearing a maxi pad in sheer white panties: is.gd/4qk3m #
- 01:51 I guess if I sat down at the piano more than three times a year I would play better. I would have to play better to want to, though. #
- 02:08 It’s late. We should go to sleep. But I really wish we had a giant jar of cold grape juice. #
- 02:23 I’m smiling right now because I love hobostripper.com aka ecowhore.com/intro #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
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