- 11:15 Going to try to make today one of serenity. Yeah, I know, you see failure on my horizon. But I just woke up so let’s pretend . . . #
- 14:51 Got my B vitamin shot & a meeting, making me feel much MUCH better/more capable/happier. Lunch will further improve me. #
- 17:05 Distracting myself from one crazy by engaging in another: www.tastytrixie.com/aging/ex-comp/ #
- 17:11 I really wish I could work while listening to fun music; unfortunately the max I can handle is New Age or silence. #
- 17:29 Anyone want to call me to talk about my latest google search on "nazi sex doll"?? No?? No Takers??? Even on cheap rate??? #
- 17:32 But seriously. My pussy is so wet for you: www.pawprintsthemagazine.com/?p=6395 #
- 17:35 Okay, well what if I told you that I poop brown glitter? Dammit when is Niteflirt going to bring back "arrange a callback"? Sigh. #
- 18:07 Ursula Le Guin on copyright, google & the author’s guild: pd.am/my & part of their depressing (but true?) response. Sigh. #
- 18:11 Oh god, awesome: she also does a whole west coast vs. east coast thing! Yeahahaha, Ursula! pd .am/mz #
- 18:37 Picking out toys & stuff for a couples shoot we’re doing on Wednesday. Testing out implements. #
- 19:47 Trying to narrow down huge set of photos that I want to get posted for members tonight before bed. #
- 20:15 Beautiful photos of The Ruins of Detroit: marchandmeffre.com/detroit/index.html (via io9.com) #
- 20:22 Maybe I meant to say "photos of the beautiful ruins of (beautiful) Detroit". Anyway, I’m really working, actually. For reals! #
- 21:57 SHIT. Our dog’s rope broke & she ‘s MIA & going deaf & old & FUCK FUCK FUCK. Going out to search. #
- 22:16 Phew! Someone called / found her right after I posted that tweet. We got her; she’s back home now & totally fucking excited. #
- 22:17 Thanks for the good thoughts, @Elligirl @Mia @Moose440 @sugarandspice13 and @a99kitten! #
- 22:24 @Elligirl Only about six blocks. So glad this town is full of nice people who love animals and understand how this can happen. #
- 00:58 Uploading my last video blog entry of the year for members. #
- 01:01 @amberlily Having our phone number on her collar helps a lot too. Wish this was the only time it’s come in handy, but 14 yr old husky? Nah. #
- 01:40 @Clintus About $25 – the vlogs aren’t exciting or well-produced, just chatty things to balance out the pornier stuff. Some jerk to them tho. #
- 01:46 @Clintus LOL — I’m gad you asked, because it reminds me I should focus more effort on youtubeyish things & random dorkiness. #
- 02:00 Blue Moon & Silk Stockings gallery posted for member and now I need to get ready for bed. Even with so much unfinished, like email to @Mia. #
- 02:02 Going to have to post the teasers on trixieandfriends.com tomorrow . . . if we have time before we go. #
- 02:56 I am weak. Boiling up another bowl of noodles. I know I’m just hurting my brain & endocrine system with this shit, but I LONG FOR NOODELS. #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter