My Life Yesterday, in Posts of 140 Characters or Less

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  • 07:07 Getting up after only 3.5 hours of sleep is a lot easier when you’ve been having nothing but really stupid dreams. #
  • 08:24 A peek of the gallery I posted for my members last night: #
  • 08:58 @minasmusings Sweet, Countess Mina! Happy housewarming and cam-reconnecting! Now *we’re* going to be semi-offline for a few days . . . #
  • 09:01 Only an hour left before we need to leave; I’m not great at packing on not-enough-sleep. Not really great at *anything* in the morning. #
  • 09:45 How does one’s makeup bag just fucking DISAPPEAR? Ugh. Pressure & anxiety & sleep deprivation turn me into a full-on BITCH. #
  • 10:06 RT @aagblog: RT: @Mollena: I just watched a man have sex with a knothole in a tree. (LINK PLZ!!!!!–aag) #
  • 10:08 Just about out the door; please take screencaps if you’re watching our spycams & see any intruders while we’re gone! #
  • 12:18 My poops are all messed up now. Being on the road constipates the fuck out of me. #
  • 15:43 I loveloveLOVE good, thorough doctors who just SAY when they don’t know something. LOVE! #
  • 18:59 Impressed by homeless woman’s icredible sense of style. So sharp! What is my excuse for being such a slob? #

These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

From Twitter 12-29-2009

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  • 01:58:43: Uploading my last video blog entry of the year for members.
  • 02:01:04: @amberlily Having our phone number on her collar helps a lot too. Wish this was the only time it’s come in handy, but 14 yr old husky? Nah.
  • 02:40:09: @Clintus About $25 – the vlogs aren’t exciting or well-produced, just chatty things to balance out the pornier stuff. Some jerk to them tho.
  • 02:46:10: @Clintus LOL — I’m gad you asked, because it reminds me I should focus more effort on youtubeyish things & random dorkiness.
  • 03:00:02: Blue Moon & Silk Stockings gallery posted for member and now I need to get ready for bed. Even with so much unfinished, like email to @Mia.
  • 03:02:08: Going to have to post the teasers on tomorrow . . . if we have time before we go.
  • 03:56:26: I am weak. Boiling up another bowl of noodles. I know I’m just hurting my brain & endocrine system with this shit, but I LONG FOR NOODELS.
  • 08:07:19: Getting up after only 3.5 hours of sleep is a lot easier when you’ve been having nothing but really stupid dreams.
  • 09:24:20: A peek of the gallery I posted for my members last night:
  • 09:58:08: @minasmusings Sweet, Countess Mina! Happy housewarming and cam-reconnecting! Now *we’re* going to be semi-offline for a few days . . .
  • 10:01:19: Only an hour left before we need to leave; I’m not great at packing on not-enough-sleep. Not really great at *anything* in the morning.
  • 10:45:11: How does one’s makeup bag just fucking DISAPPEAR? Ugh. Pressure & anxiety & sleep deprivation turn me into a full-on BITCH.
  • 11:06:05: RT @aagblog: RT: @Mollena: I just watched a man have sex with a knothole in a tree. (LINK PLZ!!!!!–aag)
  • 11:08:57: Just about out the door; please take screencaps if you’re watching our spycams & see any intruders while we’re gone!
  • 13:18:53: My poops are all messed up now. Being on the road constipates the fuck out of me.
  • 16:43:04: I loveloveLOVE good, thorough doctors who just SAY when they don’t know something. LOVE!
  • 19:59:50: Impressed by homeless woman’s icredible sense of style. So sharp! What is my excuse for being such a slob?

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