- 06:09 OMG MY FRIENDS THIS IS NOT EVEN FUNNY our dog just shit & smeared around more stinky diarrhea on the bedroom floor without warning. #
- 11:22 @reptilegrrl Oddly enough, she seems chipper & normal, not dehydrated, etc. so we’re waiting until tomorrow to take her to the regular vet. #
- 13:42 Today would have been my dad’s 78th birthday. Maybe that’s partly why thinking about our dog’s age/health is tearing (cry, not rip) me up. #
- 14:27 Found a songbook I didn’t know I had with weird melancholy pervy faves from the sixties like "Music to Watch Girls By". #
- 15:14 At the point where I’m considering bleaching my *entire* head of hair to avoid inconsistent foils w/same day roots. I hate salons. #
- 20:03 Started crying playing "When You Wish Upon a Star". It would be my dad’s bday today if he were alive & that was his favorite song. #
- 22:09 I have really messed myself up by failing to exercise three days in a row. I feel down. Other factors too, of course, but yeah. #
- 00:31 Just took some pictures of the full moon (with our real camera, not just the phone this time). #
These were chunks of my life yesterday as posted on my twitter page, automatically sh ipped by LoudTwitter
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