- 09:59:13: The 1st comment I got on this blog entry made me rethink the whole thing about wanting to fuck 19-yr olds again: http://is.gd/fApt1
- 10:02:31: Me in toeless nude pantyhose, @DeliaTS in a red satin nightgown & other recent updates: http://trixieandfriends.com
- 10:18:08: We stayed up too late last night watching True Blood. I just want to watch every single moment w/Lafayette over again 3 or 4 or 5 times.
- 15:24:01: I have a lot of pictures (287) to edit & cull if I want to get this gallery of me in the cabin loft posted tomorrow . . .
- 15:24:45: Whoah: good luck! RT @audaciaray: Am en route to Fox News to argue about sex work & whether or not sex workers should be able to be teachers
- 17:48:15: Goddamn it motherfucking Thunderbird! Your new improved bullshit has so fucked up my shit. Didn’t want this update! Gnashing teeth.
- 19:29:52: @wbahner Yes! I accidentally started the “upgrade” when I was toggling between screens. Thanks for letting me know it’s possible to go back!
- 19:31:47: @wbahner Was it hard/a headache?
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