• 08:01:01: Cleaning up for cable guy to come over & make our interwebs faster; some cams will be down at some point until he’s gone.
  • 10:30:43: don’t perv out on the cable guy don’t perv out on the cable guy don’t perv out on the cable guy don’t perv out on the cable guy don’t perv..
  • 11:48:46: One benefit of not having insurance: 40,000 Washington residents impacted by insurer’s data breach http://t.co/3FI7NSA via @seattlepi
  • 11:52:29: THRILLED with our speedier cable internet connection!! Now if we can just get the DSL fixed for real; hasn’t been stable since November.
  • 20:08:45: It gives me a very special feeling when @DeliaTS hands me her debit card and just says, “don’t get TOO crazy” . . .
  • 20:29:56: Decisions, decisions …

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