• Little bits of wet snow. Little bits of dry snow. Now little bits of hail. Oh, STEADY bits of hail! Getting errands done before bigger snow. #
  • My nudie pic of the day, outside, wondering where the snow is: http://t.co/xZiYnsjG #
  • My white tank top looks SO much better on @DeliaTS than it does on me! http://t.co/kHGsLPH7 #
  • I *love* that picture, @amberlily ! You and your glasses and hair look so so cute! in reply to amberlily #
  • eating bbq pork & watching a few minutes of this… (watching Let's Make Love) http://t.co/Z3AREsQw #
  • watching this w/dinner, annoying @deliats by meeting it. (Star Trek: The Next Generation S04E22) http://t.co/wl0W7dmy #
  • That should read TWEETING, not meeting. #
  • Making a schedule for next week; glad I'm taking the time to make a plan! Unfortunately no time for camming; I'll be having period anyway. #
  • Done working for today; about to have some special time with @DeliaTS . . . . maybe a movie, maybe stretching . . . maybe cuddling & ?? #
  • Made the difficult decision to turn off the tv & stretch for 30 minutes instead of going to the store for brownies & ice cream. FEELS GREAT! #

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