• Poor DreamHost! http://t.co/CcHCMjAJ It sucks, but ppl whine 2 much. DH is MEGA CHEAP & great in so many ways. Amateurs take DH for granted. #
  • One small piece of my poop floated. Much darker brown than the sunken majority. It was shaped like the nub of a horn of a baby billy goat. #
  • I can't believe so few people post pics of their phlegm on the internet. Proof that the internet is good for absolutely NOTHING. #stillsick #
  • Wow – thanks, @stoics ! Just listened to Harlem River & love it. Starting to listen to Treme soundtrack now. Thanks for the recs! in reply to stoics #
  • OMG holy insane glissando (among other virtuosities) on clarinet I'm hearing right now. #
  • LMAO @MommyFiercest I meant to ask my houseboy to buy me a toothbrush at the grocery store only it came out "Chocolate Cake". in reply to MommyFiercest #
  • We need to take more pictures. So I have more pictures to edit. So I can listen to more music. Since it's the only job I can do with music. #
  • You can check out some of the things I've been reading today here: https://t.co/u8irocoo (oh shit twitter, you're going to fn t.co that 2?) #
  • So far my day is sucking ass (in a totally harmless, fault-is-mine way) so I'm going to go outside in the rain & mess around in the dirt. #
  • I never had to ask/they just did it! Didn't realize I was lucky! RT @DrGloriaBrame …ever asked your gynecologist to lube up the speculum? in reply to DrGloriaBrame #
  • Looking forward to a long hot shower . . . about to get into it now. #
  • My nudie pic of the day was shot by @DeliaTS from outside the cabin looking in at me after my shower: http://t.co/Ck21zPLQ #

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