• It's raining. This does not displease me. This morning it makes everything feel more private & cozy. #
  • Throwing time away photoshopping my EYELASHES. We don't have good makeup-applying light space so there's flesh-colored primer on my lashes. #
  • Trying to post blue-sky pic to balance out my bitchy tweet(s), but twitter app stuck on "creating tweet". So I can complain about that too! #
  • For this picture set I'm going to blame my crow's feet on a makeup application problem, too. This is first time photoshopping my wrinkles. #
  • Don't worry, I'm leaving wrinkles in, just smoothing out this one particular blight that I do seriously think was a cosmetic malfunction. #
  • Yeah, I'm all for photoshopping out temporary blemishes, @minasmusings – zits be gone! Ingrown hairs, too . . . in reply to minasmusings #
  • @katsnacks If I had good money, I would pay lots of it for a video of you doing that. in reply to katsnacks #
  • @minasmusings LOL – I have something like that on my cheek that I'm having to come to terms with being permanent.ISH. Can laser remove it? in reply to minasmusings #
  • NOTE: I'm not judging anyone who photoshops more or less than I. The level of fantasy vs. "reality" you portray & makes you happy is cool. #
  • Praise the lowered! I watered & talked to a bunch of our houseplants & have had two exquisitely healthy bowel movements today! #
  • My nudie pic of today, with sunshine & boobies! http://t.co/s5Mr1mac #
  • Hard to believe they're forecasting snow tonigh: 60% chance after midnight? I was going to try to sleep early, but moon + snow = tempting. #
  • It's snowing! http://t.co/UagFjiLz #
  • I'm easily annoyed & stuff, so it's funny to me how many things do NOT bother me that really BUG THE FUCK out of other webwhores. #
  • Got to see the chubby moon WHILE SNOW FALLING, quiet & cold & glowing before midnight. My life is sweet, cozy & abundantly beauty-filled. #

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