- (I just thought that was funny, I don't personally want the world to fuck off today . . . keep a healthy distance, though, maybe) #
- Working on a presentation @DeliaTS & I are giving next week. Getting excited about it. #
- It's the last day of SUPER POPULAR (Nude) Native Plant Appreciation Week on my blog! http://t.co/rAw0LvG4 #
- In the past 7 days, wondering what my surfers think of/know of me has been replaced with wondering what my surfers think/know of Pacific NW. #
- Okay, "replaced" is too strong a word. But I'm really curious how people perceive & what they really know of our natural environment. #
- It's a supermoon, @deliats says. Hey! & my Mom just texted it to me now, too! Pic doesn't convey bigness of it. http://t.co/T3tAQaLM #
- Spooky tree on walk with coyotes & stinging ourselves with nettles to celebrate Scorpio moon. http://t.co/vH6jClIb #
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